Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Before I Die...

Call me a big nerd but lately I have been listening to Ted talks and feeling SO inspired.  They are little segments highlighting people and their innovations from all around the world and it is just awesome to be informed on stuff I might never hear about otherwise.

Well...I'm feeling super inspired by a lady named Candy Chang.

Long story short: She experienced the death of a loved one and in the midst of that loss began to wonder what is important to others. In the midst of her curiosity, she made her own neighborhood the canvas for a beautiful art project involving neighbors and passerby.  With permission she painted the side of an old abandoned house into one giant chalkboard with slots, "Before I die I want to ________."

All photos via >> Before I Die

There was overnight response from all kinds of people who wanted to express their deepest desires.  I love how she said, "The wall transformed a neglected space into a constructive one. It helped us understand our neighbors in new and enlightening ways. It showed us we are not alone. It provided a contemplative space to restore perspective and remember why we want to be alive in the world today."

There are now over 50 walls in over 10 languages and 20 different countries.  Some of the USA cities include: San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Santa Cruz, San Diego, NYC and of course New Orleans where it all began. You can even download the kit for free to create one in your own town!  Read more about Connie's story HERE. Seriously, it's worth your time. 

xo, Kelsey Belle


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