Monday, February 24, 2014

Colorado Snaps

A little delayed, but here are a few pictures from our recent trip to Colorado.  What an adventure! It was such a fun week spent together and with truly wonderful friends.  I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I always say that so maybe one day I will get on it.

We went to Colorado Springs for one of my best friends wedding and stayed with another couple that are dear to us as well.  David hit it off with everyone (it was his first time meeting them) and I got some great quality time with friends I have been apart from for far too long.  We had a bit of a snow storm on Friday causing some guests not to make it, but thankfully we got there early so got to enjoy it by playing outside and taking a snowy (engagement) hike.  I will post more pictures from that soon!

What a trip, I can't wait to go back!

xo, Kelsey Belle



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